

Why become a member of S.C.R.A?
As a member of S.C.R.A. you will be connected to your neighbours for security alerts, local information and social events.  You will be informed first about free recreational courses and workshops and invited to community celebrations, social activities and volunteer opportunities. 
We will keep you up to date with Neighbourhood Watch information and you will be able to access a discount on your insurance from many insurers who recognise the added security of being in a neighbourhood watch group. 
You will be able to ask for advice about police issues in the area from our Police Liason Officer, and if you need support for a neighbourhood issue where you feel you are not being heard, let us know and we will see if we can help.
Membership to S.C.R.A. lasts for 12 months and is offered to all residential households in the area and is free. We do not want anyone to be excluded from S.C.R.A. for financial reasons, however, we ask for a small donation (£5 if possible) per year, to help fund running costs and ongoing projects such as ‘Rubbish Friends’ and community celebration events.  You can see where the money is spent on the Finance page which can be found under the ‘About Us’ menu.
If you would like to join S.C.R.A.  please fill in the form below and we will be in touch. 
To make a donation please make a bank transfer to our account at Lloyds Bank. 
Sort code  30-90-09
Account number 50968760
If you are setting us up as a new payee please note some banks will require you to use our full name: South Childwall Residents Association – as opposed to our abbreviated name SCRA.
If you would rather donate in cash or have a paper membership form contact us on and we will sort that out. 
To renew your membership 
If you are already a member and would like to renew your 12 months membership please just add your name to the form below and then add the word ‘Renewing’ to it. We already have your other details. Please also indicate if you wish to join or remain on either or both of our Whatsapp groups. 
Thank you 

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