Rubbish Friends

Rubbish Friends

Making Childwall A Litter free zone

Rubbish Friends have been picking up litter all around Childwall since July 2020. 
That’s an awful lot of litter.



We are a group of  26 dedicated residents who turn out on the second Sunday of every month at 2pm to make Childwall a pleasant place to walk, litter-free, and it has become an obsession with many of us, now unable to pass a packet on the street.  





We have collected litter from the triangle, all the roads around. Woolton Road, Score Lane and wherever there is a mess in our area. We won’t allow it.







Whatever your age you are welcome to join, and don’t worry if you don’t have a litter picker, we will supply you with one. SCRA funds supplied those so that we can take care of our area.  


We recently applied to the council for funding for Hi-Viz Jackets and so now all our volunteers can be seen and be safe. 





It isn’t all work, there’s always time for a chat. 











And Calisa is often so grateful for the cleanup that we get a coffee on the house. How kind!





Our next meeting is at the Fiveways on Sunday 8th May at 2pm to help set up a Rubbish Friends Group there where it is usually in need of a cleanup.
If you want to join us on Sunday just turn up. We need you. 


If you fancy joining us on a regular basis contact Brenda on

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