The Constitution of S.C.R.A.




1. The Association is known as:

South Childwall Residents’ Association.


The area covered by the Association is South Childwall, Liverpool L16




  1. The aims of the Group / Association are:


  • To represent the views of members to Childwall Council and other

relevant partners and to work towards ensuring that the best

interests of members are served.


  • To ensure that all members are consulted regularly and that all residents entitled to membership are encouraged to join.


  • To improve residents security and the environment.


  • To encourage a greater sense of community.



  1. Membership is open to all persons 16 years or over living in the area

who accept the aims of the Association, (including all tenants,

leaseholders and freeholders), irrespective of age, race, gender,

sexuality, disability, political or religious beliefs, or marital status.


4. Members shall at all times conduct themselves in a reasonable manner at meetings of or in premises used by the Association.

A member may be suspended from the Association for failure to

observe this, or for any other conduct not in line with the aims of the

Association. Any member so suspended has the right of

appeal to the following General Meeting, before permanent suspension

from the Association takes place.


  1. Membership ends when a member moves out from the area.
  2. Every member shall sign an annual written consent to become a



  1. Racist or sexist behaviour will not be tolerated and will be grounds for





  1. The Association has agreed not to charge an annual

subscription but a voluntary contribution of £5 is suggested.


  1. Money raised by or on behalf of the Association may be used only to further the aims of the Association.




  1. The business of the Association will be conducted by a

committee normally elected at the Annual General Meeting, which shall

consist of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and not less than

one other member. As far as possible, the composition of the

the committee shall reflect the local population of the area.


  1. Councillors or employees of the council shall not represent the Association in its dealings with the council or be members of the committee.


  1. The election or removal of officers or committee members may take

place only at a General Meeting of the Association. The

committee may temporarily fill any vacancy arising among the officers of the Association from its other members until the next

General Meeting. The committee has the power to suspend a member

or committee member by a simple majority vote until the next general



  1. An officer or committee member must declare any relevant personal

interest in a matter under discussion. The committee shall have the

right to determine whether that member should withdraw, or be allowed

to speak but not vote.




  1. The committee shall meet not less than 6 times a year and shall be open to any members of the Association wishing to attend, who may speak at the discretion of the Chair but not vote.


  1. The committee shall monitor the work, finances and membership of the Association.


  1. The committee shall report to each General Meeting on its activities

since the last General Meeting.




  1. General Meetings of the Association, open to all members to

speak and vote, shall be held not less than once a year. Decisions

taken at these meetings shall be binding on the committee. Decisions

shall be taken by a simple majority of members present and voting. All

members shall be given not less than 14 days notice of any General




  1. The committee shall call an Annual General Meeting of the

Association each year. No less than 21 days notice shall be

given of the AGM to all members and to all those eligible for

membership. A representative of the council shall also be

invited to attend.


  1. At this meeting:
  • The committee shall present their annual report.


  • The secretary shall present the minutes of the last AGM for approval


  • The Treasurer shall present a record of the accounts of the

Association for the past year.


  • The officers and committee for the next year shall be elected.


  • Any proposals submitted to the Secretary in writing not less than 14 days in advance of the meeting shall be considered.





  1. The Secretary shall call a Special General Meeting at the request of a majority of the committee, or on receipt of a written request by at least one-third of the membership of the Association. The Secretary must give at least 7 days notice of the Special General Meeting to all members, which shall take place within 21 days of the request.



(The minimum number of members who must be present before a meeting may proceed)


  1. The quorum for committee meetings of the Association shall be four members or one third of committee members (whichever is greater). The quorum for all General Meetings shall be one fifth of the membership.




  1. Those attending a meeting where members of the committee are selected will be informed that any member may stand for any position on the committee. Any member may nominate individuals or volunteer themselves for any such positions.
  1. Where there is a contest for officers of the Committee, or where the Association are unable to reach agreement on an issue, voting will be carried out by a written ballot.


  1. Each household will have one vote only. The Chair will have only one vote, they will not have an additional or casting vote.


  1. Where voting is required and a council officer is in attendance, they may be asked to administer and supervise the voting process.





  1. Notice of all General Meetings and the Annual General Meeting will be sent to each member’s home address and will include the date, time

and place of the meeting and the agenda of matters to be discussed.

In addition, notices or flyers will be used to ensure all those entitled to

participate are made aware of the details of these meetings.




  1. The officers of the Association have a duty to further the aims of the Association.


  1. The Chair shall guide the meetings of the Association and its

committee. If the Chair is absent, the Vice Chair will take over.


  1. The Treasurer shall open and/or maintain a bank or building society

account in the name of the Association. All cheques must be

signed by the Treasurer and at least one other nominated committee

member who is from a different household and not related. Unless

there are exceptional circumstances, there will be only one bank

account for the Association, into which all monies are paid.


  1. The Treasurer shall keep proper accounts of income and expenditure and details of donations. He/she will also report on them as required by the committee, at General Meetings. The accounts should be available for inspection by any member of the Association.


  1. The Secretary is responsible for arranging meetings and giving the

relevant notice to members. The Secretary shall ensure that a proper

record is kept of all meetings of the Association and its

committee in the form of minutes, and make them available as

required by the committee. A register of members’ names and

addresses will also be kept by the Secretary.

  1. A member appointed to represent the Association in

discussions or communication with any other body (including the

media) shall act on the instructions of the committee and shall report

back to the following committee meeting or General Meeting,

whichever is the sooner. No member of the Association will

speak on behalf of the Association without the prior approval of

the committee or members.




  1. Any proposal to change this Constitution must be given to the

Secretary not less than 28 days before the General Meeting at which it

is to be discussed. Any change requires the agreement of two-thirds of

those present and voting at the meeting.


  1. The committee or, if a committee no longer exists, a majority of the

remaining members of the Association, can propose that the

Association should be wound up. They must give to all those

eligible for membership at least 14 days notice of the meeting at which the matter is to be discussed.

  1. For the sole purpose of dissolution a quorum need not apply, and the

Association may be dissolved by a two thirds majority of those

present. Any assets remaining when the Association has paid

all debts shall be applied for such purposes of benefit to the community

as the meeting shall decide. The Council must be notified of the





  1. The Association shall positively promote equal opportunities

and diversity within the community and within its membership, and

work for the elimination of discrimination against persons on the basis

of race, gender, marital status, age, sexuality, disability, political and

religious beliefs.


Updated 22/2/22



Print Name …Brenda Cameron………………………….

Signature……BSCameron………………………Date: 22nd February 2022



Print Name …Geoffrey Titchmarsh ……………………….

Signature……GTitchmarsh……………………..Date: 22nd February 2022



Print Name …Diane Jones………………………….

Signature……DJones…………………………..Date: 22nd February 2022

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