Rules of the SCRA Residents WhatsApp Group


  1. Only members of SCRA can be included in the WhatsApp Group.


  1. This group is aimed at being inclusive and supportive and to give residents a forum to connect respectfully to their neighbours.


  1. Before a SCRA member can be added to the group they will be sent an email outlining the rules of the group.


  1. All members are asked not to post anything that could be considered
    • political
    • racist
    • religious
    • sexist
    • pornographic
    • vulgar
    • inflammatory
    • commercial advertising – of businesses or services


  1. The promotion of local not-for-profit groups is allowed.


  1. Recommendations are allowed in response to requests from



  1. If a member of the group finds a post offensive, they can contact the administrator privately and the person responsible will be asked to remove it.



Date approved by the committee     June 2023

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