Equality and Diversity Policy

Equality and Diversity Policy

South Childwall Residents Association


The South Childwall Residents’ Association will be committed to promoting equality of opportunity for all local residents in its activities, services and practices. We believe that any form of discrimination, either direct or indirect, is wrong. We believe that such behaviour is counter-productive and harmful, not only to the association but to our community.

We will not tolerate discrimination on the basis of:

  • race
  • ethnic origin
  • sex
  • sexual orientation or identity
  • marital status
  • disability
  • illness
  • age
  • political or religious beliefs
  • socio-economic background


This list is not exhaustive.


We value diversity and accept the responsibility to promote equality and diversity and challenge discrimination wherever it occurs. We recognise that some residents may say or do things which may be incompatible with this equality and diversity policy. We will do all we can to challenge such behaviour. In cases where intervention is possible, we will aim to alter unacceptable attitudes and behaviour while maintaining support for the victim of the discrimination.










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