Childwall All Together

The South Childwall Residents’ Association is just one group in Childwall that works with the community.
Here are some others.


    Friends of Childwall Woods and Fields 


      Childwall in Bloom      Childwall in Bloom – Helping Our Community Blossom


         Liverpool Hope University


    Childwall Abbey School    Home | Childwall Abbey School


     All Saints Church         All Saints’ Church, Childwall, Liverpool – All Saints’, Childwall (


Together they are known as Childwall All Together 


John McCombs is the S.C.R.A. Community Liaison Secretary and is the author of this page. Here is a brief introduction to John.



A commercially accredited former central government project manager, John brings his considerable experience in fundraising, community engagement, and managing high-stake central government projects to the table.
He is also chair or a trustee of various other charities and not for profit groups.

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