Privacy and Data Collection Policy

The South Childwall Residents Association

Privacy and Data Collection Policy


With the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) on 25th May 2018, the South Childwall Residents Association Privacy and Data Collection Policy have been formalised to reflect the current data protection laws.


This privacy policy sets out how The South Childwall Residents’ Association

(SCRA) uses and protects any information we hold about members.


The SCRA is committed to ensuring that members privacy is protected. Information provided by members which they can be identified by will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement.


The SCRA may change this policy occasionally. If members

want to check the most up to date version they can contact the Membership Secretary SCRA at


This policy is effective from 12th June 2019


What we collect


We collect the following information when residents join the SCRA:

  • their name
  • their contact information including email address, street address and

telephone number, if they choose to give it to us

  • whether they have opted to make a voluntary contribution and how much that was.
  • and any skills they may have to offer to the group


Members provide this information to us either via the SCRA membership form through the treasurer’s or secretary’s door, or direct to the Membership Secretary.


Storing Members information


We are committed to ensuring that members information is secure.


Members contact details, addresses, email addresses and a record of their voluntary contributions are stored on Excel spreadsheets. These sheets are password

protected and the computer on which they are stored is also password

protected and stored securely. A protected back up copy of the spreadsheet is

held in a separate secure environment.


What we do with the information we gather


We use this information for:

  • internal record keeping
  • the distribution of our E Newsletter containing local news and other

relevant information using the email address which they have provided

  • invitations to meetings or events


We do not share members data with any other organisation.


We use a privacy setting to send members emails and newsletters associated with the SCRA. In order to do this members’ email addresses (but no other details) are

stored securely on our email records.


Members right of access to the information we hold about them.

Members have the right to see, and to correct if necessary, any personal data we

hold about them. This comprises their contact details, skills offered and a record of their voluntary contribution for our accounts. If a member would like to see this information, they can email the Membership Secretary at


For the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR),

this information is presented to residents on their membership form and they are required to tick the box to indicate that they give consent for us to hold and use their personal details.


June 2019








Officer ……………DJones……



Officer ……EMcCabe………

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