
S.C.R.A. Finances 

S.C.R.A. is a ‘Not for Profit’ Organisation. We are keen to evidence complete transparency regarding our finances.
As mentioned on our Membership page we do not insist on any annual fees to join but do appreciate all kind donations made.
Notwithstanding the above SCRA are continually active seeking funding from Grants. Community activity support grants are available from time to time from the city council Mayoral fund, National Lottery Community grants and local businesses such as ASDA etc.
We are non-political and are also helped by our local connection with Hope University’s Community Engagement Team based on Taggart Avenue.
All funds are deposited in our Treasury Account held at Lloyds Bank in Woolton Village. Funds are vital to continue the aims and ambitions of our organisation and are exclusively used for the benefit of our neighbourhood.

Our expenditures are as follows:-

The annual cost of Public Liability Insurance – covers both our volunteers and members should any accidents occur during our activities.
S.C.R.A. Website – registration, set up costs and maintenance.
Stationery costs – paper and ink costs for flyers and leaflet drops.
Rubbish Friends – supply of litter pickers and rings.
S.C.R.A. publicity – Cost of a S.C.R.A. banner for events
A financial report is given each year as part of our Annual General Meeting at which all members are welcome to attend.


Who am I?
I’m a newly retired yet local resident of 9 years standing. Like all my committee colleagues I’m keen to put something back into the location we all share and value.
As guardian of the limited finances SCRA generates I can promise you there will be no waste of any funding we see through voluntary membership donations and successful grant applications.
I have an obsessive interest in guitars and all types of music. Before you ask, I’m not related to Alan Titchmarsh (A.F.A.I.K.) but wouldn’t say no if he ever dropped some pennies into our SCRA pot!
If you have any questions about the finances you can contact me on
Geoff Titchmarsh  –  Honorary Treasurer

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