About Us

What is South Childwall Residents’ Association (S.C.R.A.)
SCRA was formed in 2019 and has members throughout the area. It is a non-profit making, non-political, Residents’ Association and Neighbourhood Watch group. 


What are the aims of  S.C.R.A?
  • To represent the views of members to Councillors and other
relevant partners and to work towards ensuring that the best
interests of members are served.
  • To ensure that all members are consulted regularly and that all residents entitled to membership are encouraged to join.
  • To improve residents’ security and the environment.
  • To encourage a greater sense of community.
How does S.C.R.A make our area more secure?
Members can join the area-wide WhatsApp group, connecting with other residents, to receive news, and alerts of any criminal or anti-social activity in the area. If you would like to join the WhatsApp group contact us at L16scra@gmail.com.
S.C.R.A. will also bring up to date information and advice from Police and the Neighbourhood Watch and send that directly to members or make that available for members on this website. 
Acting individually your voice is not always heard. SCRA undertakes to represent your views to other organisations, police, councillors and groups, ensuring your views, worries and concerns are heard and respected.


How does S.C.R.A. make our environment better? 
Members work together to keep the environment litter free with the volunteer litter picking group, ‘Rubbish Friends ‘ which meets on the second Sunday of every month and stays connected with a WhatsApp group. 
Any issues that may impact the area’s environment are reported to the council and councillors and followed through to a satisfactory conclusion.


How does S.C.R.A. encourage a greater sense of community?
Regular social and recreational events are planned for residents to join together and meet their neighbours. 
There are also seasonal celebrations for all residents, where SCRA joins together with other local organisations to provide an opportunity for all residents to come together as one community. 


How does S.C.R.A. ensure that all members are consulted and informed?
Members are sent regular information emails and seasonal newsletters.
Information is posted on the WhatsApp group and the website
All residents, members and non members are invited to the Annual General Meeting where the committee will present reports on finances, social activity, recreational events, and security issues in the area.   There will be opportunities for members to ask questions and to vote on a new committee.
Roles on the committee will be circulated to members before the AGM and members are invited to put themselves forward for any roles. These will be voted on at the AGM.


How is the South Childwall Residents Association (S.C.R.A.) Organised?
S.C.R.A. is run by a group of ten volunteers who are also residents of L16.
They form a committee which meets at least 6 times a year to discuss what has been happening and to plan for the future. 
Our committee is :
  Brenda Cameron  – Chair 
 Eddie McCabe – Vice Chair
Simon Quinn – Secretary
Geoff Titchmarsh – Treasurer  and Membership Secretary
Jan Brown OBE – Police Liason Secretary
Di Jones – Assistant Membership Secretary
                  Elaine Kerr – WhatsApp Secretary
Geoff Bird – Neighbourhood Watch Patrol Leader      
Helen Minett – Social Secretary
John McCombs – Community Liaison Secretary         
You can contact S.C.R.A. at L16scra@gmail.com with any questions or comments.
You can contact the Chair directly at scrachair2@gmail.com
You can contact our social secretary Helen at scra.social@gmail.com for information about social events.
To join SCRA visit the Membership page 




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