Awards for All Lottery Funding

Awards for All Funding Report 


ChildwALL Together

Background & Aims
ChildwALL Together evolved from the Covid-19 pandemic and has developed through the partnerships fostered over the last three years between key community partners in the local area of Childwall, Liverpool L16 and surrounds. Members from these local community groups have built solid relationships connecting together to support a range of community projects. This has been in response to the expressed needs of the local community as we recover from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. We are focused on connecting with local community neighbours, who live, work, study or play in the area to build relationships and build community life, led by community members themselves.
The team believe that the ChildwALL Together Community Programme is needed to counteract the damaging and isolating impact of Coivd-19 and to rebuild the relationships in the community to enable all to flourish. We recognise that communities are struggling with the disconnect that is borne from the distance and division between people and we seek to foster opportunities for reconnection especially between age groups, across diversity and perspectives. The ChildwALL Together partnership seeks to support people manage the challenges of the Covid-19 legacy and to build wider connections across the local neighbourhood to co-create opportunities and learning all round.
The ChildwALL Together Partnership includes:
  1. All Saints Church
  2. Childwall Abbey School
  3. Childwall in Bloom
  4. Friends of Childwall Woods and Fields [FCWF]
  5. South Childwall Residents Association [SCRA]
  6. Liverpool Hope University [LHU]
The broad aims of the ChildwALL Together Partnership are summarised here:
  • The aim of ChildwALL Together is focused on fostering community connections, safely bringing people together to reinvigorate community life.
  • The ChildwALL Together programme aims to be led by volunteers and designed in collaboration with community members where projects and events are grown from their interests, ideas and energy.
  • Learning from conversations with local residents we talk to, they tell us they are concerned for those across the life cycle, particularly young people and older members and in relation to wellbeing and isolation.
  • There is a recognition of the limited opportunities, especially for young people to engage in informal education in the area. Through our ChildwALL Together partnership, we have trialled a number of community projects and believe that with our collective working and relationships in the area, we are well placed to continue to grow our community led work.
  • The ChildwALL Together Team are committed to relationship-based and asset-based community development, which supports personal and social development and local leadership, as well as wider benefits grown from a more connected community life.
  • ChildwALL Together were awarded £10,000 in August 2022. This report recognises the use and impact of the funding entrusted to the group by the Community Fund.
Partners Information
Contact Details
Childwall in Bloom
Cath Sharples
Chair Childwall in Bloom
Irene Cannon
Childwall in Bloom
Liverpool Hope University
Tracy Ramsey
University Tutor
Programme Leader for the MA Youth Work and Community Development Course.
Natasha Howarth
University Tutor
Programme Leader for the BA Youth Work and Community Development Course.
David Brereton
University Tutor
Foundation Course Lead.
Friends of Childwall Woods and Fields, South Childwall Residents Association 
John McCombs
Chair of FCWF
Chair of Help Close By
Trustee Liverpool Astronomical Society.
Trustee SCRA
Brenda Cameron
Chair, South Childwall Residents Association.
Member of FCWF
Governor of Childwall Abbey School.
All Saints Church
Andrew Colmer


Vicar at All Saints Childwall


Childwall Abbey School
Jeanette McCombs
Head of Sixth Form

Community Consultation Activities

During ChildwALL Together events all colleagues connect with community members to ask them to give their views on their local area, what they would like to see and get involved in as well, what gifts and assets they have in the community to share, as well as the challenges faced in the community. The consultation details are shared with partners with the aim of informing and supporting future events and collaborations.
Overview of the Bid
Awards for All Funding – Strand
Detail provided in the Original Bid
Amount in Strand
Community Choir
Leader & Refreshments x 48 weeks x 30 people per session.
Creative Camp
Leader and Resources x 5 hours per day x 3 days per week x 8 weeks school holidays x 20 young people per day [24 days provision x £150 per day]
Community Conversations
3 x ‘Your Community Matters’ Events – Food & Refreshments for 100 people @ £4 per person x 3 events.
Community Celebrations
– 1 x Community Awards Event and 1 x Summer Fun Day – Gazebo hire and resources, refreshments and invites estimate 400 people.
Total Bid Awarded £10,000
Feedback from Members of the ChildwALL Together Projects and Clubs [All taken from current research exploring the impact of ChildwALL Together]
‘You’re just accepted for whatever you would like to do or who you are and it’s just totally empowering and inspirational and you’re just loved for it. It doesn’t really matter, you know, there’s total acceptance.’
‘It gives them the freedom to not only be themselves, but collectively celebrate kinds of things that probably some of us, as you’ve said, haven’t done since we were kids. Play, acting, whatever. So it’s been a very special part of my life, and it’s made a huge difference.’
‘Now I might not know everyone’s name but I feel like I do and if I don’t they tell me, do you know what I mean? You come in and everyone welcomes you and you feel like everyone knows you. But you don’t have to tell any story or anything, you’re just part of something and yeah it’s it’s a lovely lovely thing to be a part of this.’
‘And especially I feel at this time in my life to kind of rediscover myself and to be able to share things, to share any gifts I have and to embrace whatever anybody else wants to bring and believe you me, the stuff that people have, you know, the gifts that they have and they bring to us, it’s immeasurable.’
‘You’re with kind of what I call like-minded people. You see, you know, in some ways it’s easier but I for the record I’ve made such lovely, lovely friends and like you say they’re not just casual friends the people that you feel care about you and that you can have a safe relationship with.
‘I think we all kind of celebrate wherever we’re at, really, and you know, so it doesn’t matter what level you’re at, because you’re having a go, and you’re having a laugh doing it. And I think that’s the other bit, that the whole community spirit, some of it’s about humour, isn’t it, as well, and having a laugh and having a good time. And I think that you come here and you really do have a good time.’
‘So I’ve got this whole new life, and I’ve got a purpose and I still do my bit of work stuff but these things are for me and that’s the difference isn’t it? Not for my kids, not for my grandkids as much as they’re a part of it this is for me and I don’t think I’ve had anything truly where I’ve thought it’s for me because you’re always doing, looking at it, caring, running round so I’ve actually stopped and I’ve thought what do I want? I want to be here.’
Delivered Programme – August 2022 – October 2023
Childwall Community Choir
Childwall Community Choir has been running for another successful year with weekly Thursday rehearsals using Liverpool Hope University Chapel and refreshments,  in kind support as part of the ChildwALL Together partnership.
We have completed 52 weeks of choir rehearsals and a number of key community performances through the year [Listed below]. The choir has been running weekly throughout the period of the bid between August 2022 and October 2023 [Extended bid period]
Choir Performance
27th October 2022
Liverpool Hope University
Family and Friends Event
1st December 2022
Liverpool Hope University
Lights Switch on
2nd December 2022
All Saints Church
Lights Switch on
16th December 2022
Liverpool Hope University
Christmas Carol Event
24th March 2023
Merseyside Asylum Link
Fundraiser Event
11th June 2023
Liverpool Hope University
Childwall in Bloom Open Garden
15th June 2023
Liverpool Hope University
Palestine Fundraiser Event
18th – 20th July 2023
Liverpool Hope University
Graduation Chapel Services
29th July 2023
Liverpool City Centre
Pride March
4th October 2023
Liverpool Hope University
Dean’s List Service


Photos of Choir Rehearsals & Performances



Choir Members Feedback
‘I love to sing a song. And I’d sing in work all the time. But that was just me. But to do it collectively is so powerful. It’s kind of quite moving really to be part of something where you hear everyone kind of with you. I can’t describe it.’
‘It’s like being part of a club, a family, a little family. As you said, people care about you, people welcome you, it doesn’t matter if you can’t come for a couple of weeks. We’re all interested in what’s going on for each other.’


Creative Camps
Over the year we have delivered a number of Creative Camps for children and young people in the Childwall area. These have taken different forms than originally planned and decisions have been based on the needs of the particular groups of young people. One of our local school in the area is Childwall Abbey School which is a school for young people with additional needs. The ChildwALL Together partners decided to focus the Creative Camps towards those young people with additional needs who rarely get opportunities for engagement outside of the school curriculum.
This has worked particularly well to strengthen the relationships between those young people and their community, developed their life skills, communication and team work skills and connected them with other organisations and people who are trusted sources of support and opportunities.
The following Creative Camps have been delivered:
Creative Camp
30th June, 7th July, 14th July [Fridays]
Gruffalo Camp with Childwall Abbey School
Childwall Abbey School
10th – 13th July 2023
Creative Camp with Childwall Abbey School Year Groups
Liverpool Hope University
31st July –  4th Aug 2023
Creative Camp with SPLICE Youth Group
Liverpool Hope University
31st Oct – 3rd Nov 2023
Creative Camp with SPLICE Youth Group [Forthcoming]
Liverpool Hope University
Creative Camp – SPLICE Project






Creative Camp – Childwall Abbey School
Gruffalo Pictures






Feedback from Creative Camps
‘It was amazing, thanks for letting us come’
‘It was fun’
‘It was really good’
In the reflective discussions, the young people said they would like to come again and next time do more sports activities. They said they liked being on campus and would like to do more work together, working with the students and looking at what courses are on offer.
Community Conversations
During the year, there have been many events and occasions, meetings and celebrations for the community to gather together to reflect on the gifts that people bring to the community and each other’s’ lives and what remains as needed. Through this year the ChildwALL Together team have been focused on developing solid frameworks and opportunities for feedback and active consultation within the community. The strategy through this year has been to actively engage with community members through all occasions where communities gather and gain some perspectives regarding the ward and the experience of the connections, resources and facilities  by community members.
The following Community Conversations have been delivered:
Community Conversation
5th October 2022
Fresher’s Fair
Liverpool Hope University
Community members welcoming students to the community and sharing details of community activities.
9th November 2022
Choir family and Friends Night
Liverpool Hope University
Consultation regarding facilities and opportunities in the ward.
19th November 2022
Church Acre Open Day
Church Acre – All Saints Church
Connecting community members with the Church Acre and asking for ideas regarding new projects.
11th June 2023
Childwall in Bloom – Open Garden Event
Liverpool Hope University
Childwall in Bloom take over Hope Park Campus for their annual open garden event and fundraising. This is a ChildwALL Together supported event and all partners are connecting with community members to consult on issues, opportunities in the ward.
6th July 2023
Community Conversation
Liverpool Hope University
Review & Planning forward for community activities and systems.





Feedback from Community Conversations
‘It’s having a voice, isn’t it? And it’s not often when you’re in organizations that you truly have a voice. So maybe that’s part of it, feeling that you’re not being done to, but you’re with rather than being done to. And you’re a part of something and you have a voice and you can actually impact on things that you’re going to do for the future. That’s really important.’
‘They can come from anywhere, any diverse community. They’re not judged. So I actively commute here because I want to come here. I want to be part of this community.’
‘And just having the students there then and listening to their take on life and things, you know, it makes you rethink. You should feel younger as well.’
‘[on fondest memories] I don’t know, there’s been times when I’ve kind of sat back and been aware of an ambience that was special.’
‘We’re learning so much and we’re loving it and finding parts of ourselves that have been underdeveloped or completely suppressed and suddenly blossoming.’
Action Plans for ChildwALL Together have been developed from the Community Conversations and the strengths and assets present within the ward and the community members.
For example;
  • The development of a more substantial network for advertising and promoting events and activities across the community.
  • Explore new projects that engage men in the community, for example, Men in Sheds or Repair Shop Project ideas.
  • Explore options for community volunteering and mentoring
  • The development of a Community Hub in the ward.
Community Celebrations
There have been a number of events in the area during the year that have been a celebration of community life and engagement. Each of the ChildwALL Together partners have supported a range of activities and community events and these have benefitted large numbers of community members through the year. Many of the community celebration events are firmly set on the Childwall events calendar.
What we have experienced over this year is the increased in-kind support between ChildwALL Together Partners to share resources, buildings and spaces which has meant reduced costs in this strand of the project.
Community Celebration
20th October 2022
South Childwall Residents Association
Liverpool Hope University
Annual Progress Review
2nd December 2022
Christmas Lights Switch on
All Saints Church Childwall
Annual tree lighting event with community members and evening supper for 250 people.
8th May 2023
Church Acre Open Day
Church Acre – All Saints Church
Open day for community members to celebrate the work on developing the church acre over the year.
6th June 2023
Friends of Childwall Woods and Fields
Liverpool Hope University
Annual Progress Review
11th June 2023




Summer Fun Day – Childwall in Bloom Event
Liverpool Hope University
Childwall in Bloom – Open Garden Event was a celebration of community life.









Report of Bid and Expenditure

Awards for All Funding – Strand
Detail provided in the Original Bid
Amount in Strand from original bid
Actual Recorded Expenditure
Community Choir
Leader & Refreshments x 48 weeks x 30 people per session.
Extended weekly sessions from August 2022 to October 2023
Creative Camp
Leader and Resources x 5 hours per day x 3 days per week x 8 weeks school holidays x 20 young people per day [24 days provision x £150 per day]
16 Creative Camp Days provided
[additional expenditure used to provide free lunch and taxis for young people to enable increased access and inclusion]
Community Conversations
3 x ‘Your Community Matters’ Events – Food & Refreshments for 100 people @ £4 per person x 3 events.
Community Celebrations
– 1 x Community Awards Event and 1 x Summer Fun Day – Gazebo hire and resources, refreshments and invites estimate 400 people.
Local in-kind support for Gazebos and equipment.
Total Bid Awarded £10,000
Total Expenditure
Recorded £9,980.68




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