Growing Old (Dis)Gracefully, Dance Company

For anyone from 45 to 80 years old.
Now at Hope University Wednesday  evening 7-9pm
You are very welcome to come and see what we do. You do not need specialist equipment or to have danced before.
Who are we?
Growing Old (Dis)Gracefully is an amateur group for older adults (45-80) who love to dance. Some have been involved in dance for longer than they care to remember, some have not danced since their childhood and for others, it has been a totally new experience. What we all share is a passion for the camaraderie that comes from developing and performing dance routines.
What we do
We show how it’s done. We just love dancing together. We have performed at different events and venues across Liverpool including the Empire, Blackie, Metropolitan Cathedral, and Williamson Square. In the past we have also travelled further afield to places like Birmingham and Bakewell and even Sadlers Wells, Wherever we are invited, we love to put our dancing shoes on and have fun.
What it does for us
While the dancing has brought us together, it is the growing friendships that keep us together. The motivation and support that the group provides has been therapeutic for us all at one time or another. The obvious benefits of being active speak for themselves. Being part of Growing Older (dis)Gracefully, gives us all a great sense of wellbeing and achievement, probably the reason why we are still going strong after 11 years!
If you would like to know more, look on our blog at
God’s Dance Company – GrowingOlder(Dis)gracefully (
Facebook at Growing Older (Dis)Gracefully Dance
Contact Judy Smith at  for more information and to join us.

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